There are various committees in Southern Alberta which handle various aspects of community life as it pertains to local municipal organizations, intercommunity collaboration, County and Provincial Government, local healthcare and housing, and economic development. Some of these committees have community representation by members of the Village Council. Here is a list of some of the main committees and the Village Representative.
Village Mayor and Deputy Mayor are chosen once a year from council members at the annual organizational meeting.
Southwestern Alberta Mayors and Reeves - Attended by the mayor or a designate.
AUMA - Alberta Urban Municipalities Association - Meetings and Annual Convention Jim Willett
SouthGrow Regional Economic Development - Board Meets Quarterly - Councilor Jim Willett who is also Executive chair and attends monthly exec meetings.
Quad Municipality Healthcare Support Committee-Mayor Scott MacCumber
Milk River Watershed Council - Mayor Scott MacCumber
Coutts and District Recreation Board - Mayor Scott MacCumber
Highway Four Economic Corridor - Mayor Scott MacCumber
HandiBus Society - Councilor Steve Pain
Public Works - Councilor Steve Pain
Coutts and District Library Board - Councilor Steve Pain
ORRSC - Oldman River Regional Services Commission - Councilor Tanya Smith
Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Authority - Councilor Tanya Smith
Emergency Services - Councilor Tanya Smith
FCSS - Family and Community Support Services - Councilor Megan Payne
Ridge Country Housing - Councilor Megan Payne
Canadian Badlands - Councilor Megan Payne