Bylaw Update: Dangerous and Unsightly Yards
In response to the surveys that were collected in the process of rewriting our Municipal Development Plan, and from complaints received at the Village office it is evident that most residents feel The Village has not enforced the unsightly yard bylaw well.
Residents want to live in a community that looks inviting to them and to visitors. Proper maintenance ofyards is one ofthe main factors in how a town is perceived.
Council has created a new bylaw that will be used for this purpose and it is attached. It has received 1 reading by council. We will be accepting your written comments/opinions, whether they be in favor or against, along with reasons, until April 5th, 2021. Due to COVID restrictions we are unable to hold a public meeting, so if you have comments, please get them to the office in writing.
After the Bylaw is passed, which could be at the April 13th meeting, the Officer will be inspecting all properties and a letter will be sent to all affected residents. The letter will describe what needs to be done to their property to avoid action. Owners will have one year from the passing ofthe bylaw to conform without any enforcement measures.
We are looking forward to seeing the results this action will make in creating a safe and appealing environment for all.
Thank you for taking the time to send in your comments.